10: WE-PES 2011 ball
28: Nike Tracer ball
34: ball cursor
5205: pes 2010 boots
5206-5240: boots
5291-5292: Spain kits
5299-5300: Japan kits
5307-5308: training kits
5311-5312: Bayern Munchen kits
5327-5428: Barcelona kits
5495-5498: training kits
5507-5508: Internacional kits
5577-5594: training kits
5737-5738: Internacional kits (not used in game)
5739-5740: Chivas kits
5790: green and red kits (maybe training kits)
5791: sleeve patch (Respect and Fifa)
5792: green and red kits (maybe training kits)
2680-2697: referees faces
2880-2897: referees hairs
1677: balls preview
2212: backgrounds messi
394-396: bayern Chants
395-397: barcelona Chants
44: music (Tech Funk)
45: music (Advertise)
1-20: single sleeve patch
21: ballnames
23: nationalities
25: players
27: player numbers
30: boots names
31: formations
32: teamnames
33: leagues structure
34: kits settings
35-64: league/cup logos (256×256)
66: flags (128×128)
67: flags (64×64)
68: Emblems (128×128)
69: Emblems (64×64)
dt05_x (_e, _i, etc):
23: Position icons
46: League Cup Logos
30-40: Menu
42: Player Cards
43: icons scoreboard libertadores
46: icons scoreboard exhibition
47: icons scoreboard uefa champions
48: icons scoreboard euroleague
49: icons scoreboard uefa cup
50: icons initial Menu
52-53: ball preview template??
55: xbox pad
69-72: hairs previews (editor)
73: beard previews (editor)
142-176: boots brand
177: boots previews
191: Buttons xbox in gameplan
213-246: boots
275: exhibition scoreboard texture
277: xbox buttons + radar for exhibition
284: ps3 controller
286: xbox buttons + scoreboar
288-290: UEFA CL Scoreboard
295-298: UEFA EL Scoreboard
304: Libertadores texture scoreboard
338: game plan menu icons
370-423: feints previews
439: Leagues icons
459: Master League leagues and cup icons
461: Bal player awards
462: Africa cup
463: America cup
464: Asia cup
465: Champions League cup
466: Asia cup 2(?)
467: International cup
468: Konami cup
469: South America Cup
472: Continents tournaments icons
492-497: League cups icons
500: trophies
563-590: trophies
591: ball preview template??
802-834: single stadiums preview
1173: trophies for individual awards
1200: trophies for individual awards
1211: xbox pad
1219: xbox pad
1226: xbox buttons
1232: xbox buttons
1295-1356: many kind of sponsors in master league
1357-1376: trainer, coach and managers faces in master league
1401: stadiums previews
1413: xbox buttons and pad
1416: ps3 buttons and pad
1418: xbox buttons and pad
1424: xbox buttons and pad
1426: exhibition category logos
2: UI icon (delete file icon?)
4: Stadium turf white line \ corner flag \ referee flag?
5-17: court photographer
18-44: stadium big screen advertising
46-49: staff simple model mapping
54: doorpost \ nets
57: unknown red and yellow slice
297 -????: scene mapping course
2585: Champions League Nou Camp stands ad
2586: Nou Camp stadium bleachers ad
2587: Nou Camp stadium bleachers ad
2588: Europa Nou Camp stands ad
2621: Champions League stadium bleachers advertising KONAMI
2622: KONAMI stadium bleachers ad
2623: KONAMI stadium bleachers ad
2624: Europa KONAMI stadium bleachers ad
2629: Champions League Weilaimali stadium bleachers ad
2630: Weilaimali stadium bleachers Advertising
2631: Weilaimali stadium bleachers ad
2632: Marley Stadium bleachers ad
2695-2717: model mapping Jane fans
2728: Stadium ordinary adboard map
2729: Stadium LCD billboard images (including billboards back metal textures)
2730: Stadium LCD billboard texture mapping effects
2733: all weather light effects alpha images (like rain \ snow \ sun \ cloud \ smoke \ Halo \ explosion \ pyrotechnics, etc.)
2734: fans cheering the flag map
2737: fans cheering banner alpha texture mapping
2738: fans cheering banner of text mapping
2739: adboards style
2740: adboards relink
33-36: fans
142-144: League/cup logos
148-150: League/cup logos
176-178: League/cup logos
286-293: referee kits
297-312: red cross outfits and men
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Erhan Baylan