PES 2010 – Camera Settings 1.5
Tool for PES 2010 Camera Settings.
supported platforms:
1. PC only
features Settings:
1. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Close”
2. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Medium”
3. change Settings for Camera Type “Normal Long”
4. change Settings for Camera Type “Wide”
5. change Settings for Camera Type “Broadcasting 1”
6. change Settings for Camera Type “Broadcasting 2” ( only Height )
7. change Settings for Camera Type “Vertical Wide”
8. change Settings for Camera Type “player”
9. restore original Camera Settings
10. load and save Camera Settings from INI File
11. change Penalty Camera Angel (moddingway Camera)
12. change Penalty Camera Manually ( near and far Side )
13. change KickOff Cinematics ( moddingway )
14. disable KickOff Cinematics
15. restore original Kickoff Cinematics
16. change Camera Angel
1. installed .NET Framework (at least version 3.5)
how to use:
1. choose the 1.0 or 1.3 PES 2010 EXE
2. open PES 2010 EXE File
3. select the Type of Camera
4. change the settings
5. press the accept button
6. save the EXE File
7. have fun
how to use “load Camera Settings from INI File”:
1. insert the camera.ini in the data path of the tool
2. start the tool
3. press the button “load camera settings from INI file”
4. save the exe (Menu-Save-choose your PES2010.exe)
5. Done and have Fun!
– If you want to change your camera.ini always copy the new ini in the data-path of the tool
– pos 1 = height, pos 2 = near Side, pos 3 = far Side
– the camera.ini includes the originial PES-settings
how to use the restore function:
1. open PES 2010 EXE File
2. click on “Tools”
3. select the Type of Camera
4. press the accept button
5. save the EXE File
version 1.5
add: compatble for PES EXE 1.0 and 1.3