Features all 24 Coca-Cola Championship teams.
Correct kits, squads and numbers.
Patch (manual installation with Kitserver)
.Exe File (automatic installation)
If you use this, DO NOT install kitserver on it. Its already installed. Change the OF from PES2010_EDIT to FAN2010_EDIT and kitserver to fanserver.
Credit: SMcCutcheon, scottish_carson, Arsenal4Life, PATe.Arminia, GRAND BLEU, w!Ld@, Stelios
More Screenshots
I have issues with the scoreboards and radar after installing this….perhaps you can give me some indication how this can be fixed? The blanks out completely white?
Seems to be a great patch, but two questions:
– are all logo's and kits of other european teams (spain, italy etc) als made realistic?
– can the patch be installed after installing other patches?
Thanks a lot!
En grand inculte que je suis, je me demandais comment vous faisiez pour installer ce patch ? J'essaye pour la seconde fois seulement d installer un patch et je ne vois vraiment pas pour celui-ci … Quelqu'un pourrait m expliquer ?
Please help me 😛