Q1. How does it work?
A1. Kitserver works by modifying your game code and data as they get loaded into memory and run. This technique is fairly common in debuggers or similar-type tools, when an application is being patched at run-time to provide hooks into its functionality.
Q2. What does it mean for me practically?
A2. It means several things:
#1. You need to run kitserver setup.exe with Administrative privileges so that it can modify the game
executable file (usually named pes2010.exe). If you are already using an account with administrative
privileges, you don’t need to do anything special, except if you’re on Vista and you ave UAC enabled.
(If so, continue reading). If you’re on Vista and you have UAC on, or if you are on Vista, XP, Win2K
and you using a non-admin account, then you can run setup.exe in “Run as Administrator” mode. The reason
for that being that the setup.exe patches the game executable to load kitserver’s kload.dll when the
game starts. The issue of administrative rights comes up because we have a case of one program modifying
a file that doesn’t belong to it. There is no way around this, because basically it is a fundamental
question of OS security: you’re telling the operating system: “it’s ok to modify this executable.”
#2. When the game starts running, it’s the same scenario: kitserver kload DLL loads and it needs to patch
the game in various places so that the kitserver functionality is enabled. Again, this raises red flags
with the OS, and rightly so. If you’re using non-admin account, then the Run As Administrator” feature
does the trick again.
#3. You Anti-Virus software may flag kitserver as malicious or at least suspicious program, because of
the kind of things it does (see above). I wouldn’t recommend turning the Anti-Virus off, but instead
configure it so that it “knows” about kitserver and doesn’t quarantine it. Most of the common Anti Virus
packages have that sort of feature built in.
Q3. After I installed kitserver, when i start the game, i get an error saying: “the program can’t start because d3dx9_37.dll is missing from you’re computer”
A3. Kitserver is compiled with DirectX9 SDK that uses that library. Two ways to fix the problem:
1. Download the DLL from here: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dl…shtml?d3dx9_37 and put into your Windows system (or system32) folder or into your game folder.
2. Download and install the latest DirectX 9.
Q4. After I installed kitserver, when i start the game it crashes immediately.
A4. Run the game as administrator. (Alternatively, you can turn off UAC). See Q2 for more details.
Q5. Where can i get the latest version of Kitserver?
A5. Search Here.
Q6. I don’t understand how to use kitserver. Is there documentation available?
A6. Yes. It is included with every kitserver release. Also, there is a website with links
to documentation for newest kitserver, as well as older versions too:
Q7. What are S1, S2, S3 in LOD configuration?
A7. s1, s2, s3 – means “switch 1″, “switch 2″, “switch 3″. A switch is basically when the game switches from one LOD level to another. For example, for players during normal gameplay, there are 4 different LODs, and therefore 3 switches to toggle among them.
Tottimas made a nice picture, explaining it:
Q8. What is the best configuration for LOD?
You could max-out the settings (slide all sliders to the right – 0.010), but that is not really necessary in most cases. Sometimes you only really need to adjust 1 slider or two to get the desired effect, and still keep the smooth frame-rate. LOD, in general, is a good idea, because it improves both the visual quality of far-away objects and performance. But LOD needs to be carefully configured, often through trial-and-error type experiments. Maxing everything out doesn’t necessarily produce the best picture (ok, you’ll get most detail, but that’s not what you always want: far objects usually look better if they are less detailed)
Let’s consider a couple of examples:
1. Problem: during regular gameplay, the game engine switches to low-quality models of players too soon, so we have artifacts like washed-out faces, untucked shirts suddenly become tucked-in, players models become too robot-like.
Solution: slide “PLAYERS (Gameplay) S3″ slider to the right – around 0.050 or maybe 0.040. That should take care of it. You may also want to try moving the S2 slider to something around 0.70, but on my card that didn’t really give noticeable difference.
2. Problem: during free-kicks, the faces of the players in the wall are all washed-out, even though they can be pretty close to the camera. Similarly – with corners.
Solution: move the “PLAYERS (Cut-scenes, Highlights, etc.) S3″ slider to the right. The value 0.040 should be enough.
3. Problem: referees suffer from the same problems as described above – during both gameplay and during replays.
Solution: move the REFEREES sliders to the right. Again, you don’t really need to max them out – something around 0.050 should be good.
The bottom line is: experiment with your LOD configuration, don’t just blindly set everything to maximum quality – on most systems that will result in stuttering and loss of frame-rate, because your GPU (and CPU also) gets a lot more work to do. In many cases, adjusting just one or two sliders gets the effect you want, without hurting the frame-rate.
Q9. What does “debug = 1″ means in my config.txt?
A9. This is useful for testing/troubleshooting new modules. Usually it means more information is printed out into the log file (pes2010.log – which kitserver writes). In some cases, you may find that changing debug to 0 improves the smoothness of gameplay.
Q10. I installed the kitserver for the first time, the setup.exe was successful. However, when i start the game, i don’t see any changes. What’s wrong?
A10. Most likely you forgot to copy config-sample.txt into config.txt. Kitserver uses config.txt as its main configuration file. All the important info is stored there: which modules to load, what parameters should be used by those modules, etc. If there is no config.txt, then the kitserver will not do much. Check your pes2010.log for information on how kitserver initialized.
Another common scenario is that you have a config.txt, but it was freshly created by config.exe, and doesn’t contain the [kload] section, which tells the kitserver which DLLs to load. So, kitserver works fine, but it just doesn’t load any modules, therefore you don’t see any effects. To fix this:
1. copy config-sample.txt into config.txt.
2. run config.exe, and adjust the parameters to your liking. Press “Save” button.
3. launch the game. Kitserver should work well now.
Hi there I'm having problems working the kitserver and the latest patch for PES2010. I have a cracked version of PES and i have correctly downloaded all necessary files and have also followed instructions regardiing installation yet whenever I play, the game constantly crashes and it seems only some of the changes are implemented into my PES. Some side notes i should include would be I run on Windows XP and i can't seem to find the config-sample.txt file and also have some kind of program called PES2010 plus and others in my game foler. Any help? If you need any more details please email me at cycokid_1x2@hotmail.com. Thank you for reading this and hopefully you are able to solve my problems.